AndroVid - Video Editor for PC

AndroVid - Video Editor for PC

Your easy video editor on the go.

AndroVid - Video Editor PC Details

CategoryVideo Players & Editors
AndroVid - Video Editor PC screenshot

AndroVid - Video Editor: A Detailed Review


AndroVid - Video Editor is a popular app that has gained a loyal following over the years. While the PC version of the app has been highly praised, the Android version has received mixed reviews due to its UI improvements. In this review, we will explore the features of AndroVid - Video Editor and discuss its pros and cons.


  • Easy to Manage: Users have found AndroVid - Video Editor to be an app that is easy to navigate and manage. The user interface is intuitive, making it convenient for both beginners and experienced users.
  • Music Integration: One standout feature of this app is the ability to add music to videos while the timer is running. This allows for seamless synchronization between the video and audio, enhancing the overall editing experience.
  • File Transfer to USB: AndroVid - Video Editor also offers the convenience of transferring files to USB without any hassle. This feature makes it easy to save and share edited videos with others.
  • Clear View and Solid Sound: Users have praised the app for providing a clear view of the editing process and delivering high-quality sound. This ensures that the final video has excellent visual and audio output.

User Feedback

Many users have expressed their satisfaction with AndroVid - Video Editor. One user mentioned using the app for several years and enjoying the video editing capabilities it offered. However, they also highlighted that recent updates have made video editing difficult. They requested the developers to address this issue in the next update.

Another user appreciated the app's ease of use and gave it a 5-star rating. They mentioned using the app for a long time and commended its functionality. However, they also mentioned that they have not purchased the app yet.

Some users have expressed frustration with the presence of ads in the app. They found the ads intrusive, especially after completing the trimming and cutting of videos. Despite this, they still rated the app 8 out of 10.

One user, who seems to be a non-English speaker, praised AndroVid - Video Editor as the best app they have ever used for editing. They mentioned that every function is perfect, but they encountered an issue with downloading videos after editing. They expressed their love for the app and requested a solution for this problem.

Lastly, a user reported an error while trying to perform a specific operation and mentioned that they would send an error report to the developer. They requested a solution for the problem of video conversion.


AndroVid - Video Editor offers a range of features that make it a popular choice among users. While some have experienced difficulties with recent UI improvements, the app still receives positive feedback for its ease of use, music integration, file transfer capabilities, and audio-visual quality. However, the presence of ads and certain technical issues reported by users should be addressed by the developers to enhance the overall user experience.

How to Install AndroVid - Video Editor on PC

Below instructions allows you to download and install AndroVid - Video Editor app on Windows or MAC computer using an Android emulator. The process involves:

Download APK:

Downloading the AndroVid - Video Editor APK file by choosing a version.

Install Android Emulator:

There are a number of Android emulators the internet. Choose a emulator that works better with your PC. Now, download and install the Android emulator software.

Run the Emulator:

Open the emulator you have just installed and configure the settings such as display, keywords, mouse etc.

Install Gene:

Open the downloaded AndroVid - Video Editor APK file using the emulator, which will install AndroVid - Video Editor on Windows or MAC.